Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Information for Cubs, Brownies and Beavers

Fairfield Nature Reserve and Orchard is an ideal place for you and your group to experience the wonderful world of nature. Come along on your meeting night, at a weekend or during the holidays.

Tailored sessions

All our sessions are led by qualified, knowledgeable and enthusiastic leaders, and the choice of activities can be tailored to your individual needs.

Just let us know the sort of activities that you would like to do, and let us do the planning.

Activities for you and your group

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Bird watching
  • Minibeast Safari
  • Games and Puzzles
  • Leaf trail
  • Team challenges
  • Treasure hunts
  • Art and Sculpture using natural materials
  • Map reading using our small orienteering course

Help with your Badges

Cub Scouts


· Birdwatching: identifying and recording birds

· Exploring Habitats: woodland, meadow and wetland

· Insects and other invertebrates: identification and features

· Bees and Butterflies

· Leaf and Tree identification

Map Reader

The reserve is a safe and secure place to explore with our simple map and orienteering games.


Adventure and Explore

· Take part in activities exploring the nature reserve

· Treasure Hunt

· Following a trail


Wildlife Explorer

· Birdwatching: recording & identifying birds

· Birds and migration

· Bees and Butterflies

· Trees and Leaves: identification & bark rubbings

· Insects: identification & life cycles


· Wild flower and tree identification

· Make autumn pictures using natural materials

· Bees and Butterflies

Out and About

The reserve is a safe and secure place to explore with our map and orienteering games.


You will find resources for some of the activities on our games and activities page.

Back at HQ and more things to do

Talk to us about help with planning further activities and resources to assist with your follow up work.

Contact us

If you would like to make a visit with your group to the nature reserve and orchard, or wish to discuss a possible visit, then please first email us at:

Risk Assessment

The responsibility for making a Risk  Assessment lies with the visiting group.

The Fairfield Association has an example  Assessment for your guidance.

How to get here

By foot

The reserve is approximately 900m from the City Centre mostly by way of safe pedestrian footpaths and quiet streets.

By car

Turn left at the traffic lights at Waterstones on the one way system. After aprox 400m, turn left into Ashfield Ave. at the end of the road you will see a stone built house. The reserve is along a footpath to the right of the house.

By rail

The station is about 600m of safe walking from the reserve.

By bus

Bus services into Lancaster stop in the City Centre from where there is a walk of approximately 900m.