Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Hedge working party

The Hedge Working Party (HWP) will meet for the first time this season on Wednesday 20th November at … Read More

Volunteering 9th November

Here is Jonathan’s message Greetings All, There’ll be a volunteer session in Fairfield Orchard, Fauna and Flora this … Read More

Volunteer session 12 October

Here is Jonathan’s message Greetings All, There’ll be a volunteer session at Fairfield Orchard, Fauna and Flora this … Read More


The grass in the Hay and Carr House Meadows was cut on Sunday September 1st. The plan is … Read More

Volunteering 10th August 2013

Here is Jonathan’s message to the Orchardeers Greetings All, There’ll be a volunteer session in Fairfield Orchard, Fauna … Read More