Here is Jonathan’s message
Greetings All,
There’ll be a Fairfield Orchard, Fauna and Flora volunteer session this
Wednesday evening, July 26th, commencing at 6.30pm and finishing whenever
your aching limbs give up on you.
The meeting point is as ever the tool shed at the Sunnyside Lane End, and
remember there’s no embarrassment or shame to be felt if you can’t quite
arrive on the dot.
On this occasion:
* The priority job is to get the net on the shed roof given the number of
sycamore helicopters coming down.
* Removing graffiti from Fauna bench.
* Sharpening the stakes we brought from Little Wood for use as hedging
stakes. Vampires beware, etc.
* Repairing the ‘Men and Women at Work’ sign.
* Continuing to remove bindweed and goose grass from the Pads hedges.
Best wishes,
Here is what we did
In the evening the monthly session attracted only two volunteers but we were able to:
• Place the net on the shed roof to catch the sycamore seedings after gently raking the sedum (very healthy) of seed which have already fallen.
• Check out how the ‘Men and women at work’ sign can be used.
• Established that a chain saw is needed to sharpen the old fencing stakes we plan to use as hedging stakes next winter.
• Removed graffiti from the bench along the Fauna path. On advice from the Triangle we used nail polish remover and found it more effective than sanding.
• Removed flowering ragwort from the Hay Meadow.