Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Volunteering session Saturday 14th November 2015

Here is the report:

Despite a damp morning and a forecast of heavy and persistent rain 16 volunteers turned out. The rain was quite persistent but not very heavy and we had a good session.

  1. 30 saplings from the Woodlands Trust were planted in Pony Wood and the extension to replace those that had failed.
  2. The nose trough and stand was retrieved from the West Field and brought up to the shed.
  3. An assessment of the damage to the West Field north west gate was made and plans for its repair were made.
  4. Fallen leaves were cleared from the track from Sunnyside Lane past the shed.
  5. Self seeded alders were removed from the Alder Pond area of Big Meadow. These each have a big rootball and could easily be transplanted if anyone has a need for them.
  6. Flowering ragwort were removed from the soft rush area of Big Meadow.
  7. We continued hedge trimming along the south boundary of The Paddock and along the Orchard / Pads footpath.
  8. Brambles growing out of the grass verge along the Fauna footpath were dug out.
  9. Hazel in the ‘wild area’ at the north end of the Orchard were coppiced and the stems harvested for hedging stakes.