Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Volunteering session Saturday 12th August 2017

Here is Jonathan’s message

Greetings All,

There’ll be a volunteer session at Fairfield Orchard, Flora and Fauna this
Saturday, August 12th, starting at 10.00am and finishing at 1.00pm or

Tasks for this occasion include:

* Repair the Alder Pond bund (if the moorhen chicks have moved on).
* Continue strimming the Fauna path edge.
* Remove bindweed and goose grass from selected sections of the Pads
footpath hedges where the coverage is high on new saplings or newly laid
* Continue the scything work (just where depends on progress by the
scything groups in the meantime).
* Cut back overhanging vegetation along the track down from Sunnyside Lane.

And that’s all for this occasion,

Best wishes


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1 thought on “Volunteering session Saturday 12th August 2017”

  1. And here’s what we did:
    The monthly Saturday volunteer session attracted 13 volunteers on a cloudy but dry morning.
    • Alder Pond was cleared of invading couch brass.
    • Flowering ragwort was removed from the Paddock, Big Meadow and Lower Sowerholme.
    • The ‘Don’t Pick’ signs were tied to the apple trees.
    • Enveloping vegetation was cleared from the smaller saplings along the Pads footpath.
    • Bindweed, goose grass and bramble were cleared from the hedge laid last winter in the concrete wall area.
    • The track leading down from Sunnyside Lane past the shed was cleared of overhanging vegetation and accumulating debris.

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