Sorry I forgot to post the announcement of this session on the Blog but here is what we did:
Later we held the first of our summer evening volunteer sessions. Eight volunteers attended on a chilly but dry evening.
- We planted out wildflower plugs in the wetter area of the Hay Meadow. These included 10 each of Water Avons, Common Fleabane, Gypsywort, Ragged Robin, Sneezewort, Common Valerian and Greater Birdsfoot Trefoil. All of these are native to acid soils of norther west England and were approved by Ben Hibbens (NE).
- Algae was cleared from Alder Pond and further barley straw added.
- A start was made on cleaning and repairing the gates damaged by the ponies. Curtailed by the sander battery giving out, a problem we have had before.
- An area of the Orchard around apple trees but overgrown with ivy, nettles and brambles was cut back. This continues work started last year and we must keep on top of it through the summer.