Here is Jonathan’s call to arms for what we hope will be a major step forward for Flora
Greetings All,
There’ll be a volunteer session this Saturday, March 8th, starting bright eyed and full of wonder at 10.00am, and finishing bedraggled but highly contented at 1.00pm.
Please do come along if you possibly can, for as long as you can manage. All help is, as always, very much appreciated.
For the benefit of newcomers – we will meet up at the Storage Building on the footpath at the Sunny Side Lane end of the orchard.
If you’re late and don’t quite know where to go, you should find a nice person to point you in the direction of Ian Procter. Ian will be the one looking resplendent in his high-visibilty vest.
Our agenda this session couldn’t be simpler: the planting up of Flora’s Pony Wood and the extension of the wood down the hillside toward Little Wood.
We have over 500 saplings to plant so this is a really important job and we hope for another big turnout of volunteers.
It’s been wonderful to have so many volunteers at recent sessions – a very big thank you, especially if you’re one of our orchardeering newbies – and hopefully we’ll be able to keep this momentum up for the foreseeable.
There’ll be a party of Lancaster University students to help this Saturday but we still need as many local people as we can muster.
Please bring a spade if you have one.
And that’s your lot from me for now,
Hope to see you on Saturday,
Best wishes,
Here’s what we did, the longer report will be available after FOG.
On a thankfully dry but blustery Saturday 46 volunteers gathered including 12 Green Lancaster students meaning that no less than 34 local people came along. They were very welcome as we had the major task of planting 558 saplings in Pony Wood and the Woodland Extension of Flora. We achieved this objective. There is a more detailed report in the FOG papers for 13th March. We should also mention that two volunteers undertook the measurement of Flora fences, hedges and ponds for the NE agreement. It might also be noted that this was the first occasion on which the portable toilet was used.