Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Volunteering Saturday 11th February

Here is Jonathan’s email

Greetings All,

There’ll be a volunteer session at Fairfield Orchard, Flora and Fauna this
Saturday, February 11th, starting at 10.00am and finishing at 1.00pm or

If you’re able to come along, here’s what you have to look forward to…

* Cutting back the invasive bramble throughout the Orchard.
* Using the extending hedge trimmer we need to trim the high hedge growth
alongside the Paddock, between the Fauna path and School pond and
alongside Carr House Meadow.
* Trimming the hedge on the south side of the Flora Field.
* Trimming the hedge between the Pads footpath and the Flora Field.
* Planting oak saplings in Little Wood.
* Cheerful whistling, according to ability.
* Marking out with stakes the planned footpath through the Pony Wood

And that’s about it for this time,

Best wishes,


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1 thought on “Volunteering Saturday 11th February”

  1. And here is what we did:
    Once again a rather disappointing 11 volunteers for the monthly Saturday session on a dull but dry morning. I think I need to investigate the numbers coming along a little more. John Muir certificate given to one volunteer but two others left early and will have to wait.
    • We tidied up the planted saplings down the track from the shed.
    • Using the extended hedge trimmer we started work on the taller growth down the Fauna path.
    • Encroaching bramble was dug out and cut back in the Orchard, quite a bit more to do.
    • Twelve oak saplings, grown from local seed were planted in the eastern and western boundaries of Little Wood. Thanks to Philip, John, Geoff and Ian for bringing these seedlings on.
    • The path line through the Pony Wood extension was marked out with green topped stakes to guide people on the appropriate line away from the planted saplings. ALL VOLUNTEERS PLEASE NOTE WHEN IN THIS VICINITY.
    • The beetle banks and manholes in Flora Field were marked out with hedging stakes and hazard warning tape to assist the ploughman.

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