Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Volunteer session 8th June

13 local volunteers were joined by 17 students from Green Lancaster on a beautiful summer’s morning.

1. The grass was mown
2. The area around the logs hosting ‘mini-beasts’ was strimmed
3. The area surrounding the orienteering position was cleared by slashing back the nettles and other growth.
2. and 3. Were in reparation for the visit of a troupe of Beavers in the afternoon.
4. A litter pick around some of the Flora field hedges was undertaken. The litter was bagged and barrowed back to the Storage Building.
5. The plastic protectors around the now maturing hedge north-east of the Big Ash on the Fauna footpath were removed, bagged and barrowed back to the Storage Building
6. Excess vegetation around the new saplings at the north end of the Pads footpath was removed.
7. Native wild flower plants were planted as follows:
a. Under the Millenium Oak: Primroses, Wild strawberries, Cicely, Betony and Salad burnett
b. Under the large ash tree on the Fauna footpath: Ransoms (wild garlic)
c. At the boggy side of the Hay Meadow, east of the middle gate: Common valerium, Meadowsweet
All watered in.
Tools and equipment were returned to the Storage Building and packed away – a far easier task now than in the past.

Forgot to mention – routine pruning of the apple trees continued along with consideration of the canker problem.