Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Volunteer Saturday 8th December 2018

Here is Jonathan’s email

Greetings All,

There’ll be a volunteer session at Fairfield Orchard, Flora and Fauna this
Saturday, December 8th, starting at 10.00am and finishing at 1.00pm or

On the agenda for this occasion:

* Retrieve the hand pump from West Field and store for winter.
* Clear up the last of the leaves down the track from Sunnyside Lane.
* Block with brash the gap between the track and the Orchard ‘wild area’.
* Tidy the fallen crack willow in the Orchard but preserving it as a
second ‘willow whip farm’.
* Replace four broken fencing posts including the two near Cromwell Road
which need wire repair.
* Trim round the standard trees left by the hedge flail.
* Continue hedge trimming between Lower Sowerholme and Flora Field.
* Deck the halls with boughs of holly, fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la, owing
to it being the season to be jolly (optional).

And that’s about it for this time and for this year.
Very best wishes to you and yours,



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1 thought on “Volunteer Saturday 8th December 2018”

  1. Here is what we did:
    Another wet morning was forecast but it held off until the last half hour allowing 13 volunteers to get on with:
    • Continuing to trim the hedge between Lower Sowerholme and Flora Field.
    • ‘De-brambling’ the Long Pads hedges
    • Tidying the fallen willow in the Orchard and retrieving whips from it.
    • Replacing three broken fence posts along the Fauna path with the consequent repair of the wire
    • Finishing off trimming around the standard trees in the flailed Fauna hedge.
    • Clearing up accumulated mud in the track between Sunnyside Lane and the Orchard

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