Here is Jonathan’s message:
Greetings All,
Joy upon joy!
Some go by the first sighting of a swallow, and some prefer to listen out
for the cuckoo, but we orchardeers know that Spring is truly underway when
news arrives of the first of our evening volunteer sessions.
And here it is!
The first evening volunteer session in Fairfield Orchard, Fauna and Flora
of 2015 will take place on Wednesday April 29th starting at 6.30pm, or as
soon after that time as you can possibly make it.
For the benefit of newcomers – during the lighter half of the year, we
meet on the final Wednesday evening of each month. As often as not, it’s a
very beautiful thing.
On the agenda for this occasion…
1. We have more plants for planting- in this case for a meadow area rather
than woodland (ox eye daisy and sweet woodruff).
2. Tidy up the ruts left by the chippers in the Hay Meadow. At the same
time we can check that the eel sluice is working properly and if not plan
how to get it sorted.
3. Whilst in the Hay Meadow we should review the access track into Upper
Sowerholme left by the machine cutting the rushes. On the one hand we
don’t want the cattle wandering into Sowerholme. On the other we might
want fell ponies to do just that! So an on site review might come up with
a plan.
4. We have two smallish sections of barbed wire which need repair (near
the Fauna path and near the Lucy Brook cattle crossing). The fence around
Little Wood could also do with some reinforcement.
5. Clear brash from the West Field north-west gateway to provide access.
6. Tidy up some of the brash in the Orchard including cutting out some of
the thicker pieces and creating log piles.
7. Clear algae from one of the Flora ponds and fix the leak in the other.
So there we have it.
Moderate drinkers and conversationalists might be interested to learn that
it’s not unknown for an evening volunteer session such as this one to end
up in the pub.
If the sound of this appeals, remember to bring along some pocket money
and a note from your Mum.
And that’s your lot for this time from me.
All the very best,
Here is what we did
In the evening we held our first Wednesday evening volunteer session of the season with 7 volunteers turning out.
a) We planted plants in appropriate places – sweet woodruff in the woodland adjacent to the Orchard north entrance, flag iris in the wet corner of the Hay Meadow and ox eye daisy on the slight bank at the northern end of the Meadow.
b) Part of the Orchard grass which had not been mown because of water intrusion was strimmed and the debris cleared.
c) The leak in one of the Flora ponds was re-repaired and algae cleared from the other pond.
d) Some of the brash in the Orchard was tidied and larger stems cut out for log piles.
e) The eel sluice was inspected and found to be draining the pond rather than the main outlet. This needs attention.