Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Hares and flowers

Two sightings of brown hares this morning in the Grammar School fields. They were some distance apart so I think they were two individuals.

And some flowers:

Water figwort on the edge of the Hay Meadow (17th July)

Water figwort

Branched bur-weed in Upper Sowerholme (this is a first sighting for me) (17th July)

Branched bur-weed

Water cress at the cattle crossing (20th July)

Water cress

Pineapple weed Pads footpath 20th July

Pineapple weed

Bear’s breech, probably a garden escapee but a nice specimen in the Orchard 21st July

Bear's breech

Silver weed in Flora field 21st July


And so far as I know our only foxglove, a tenacious chap clung to the Aldcliffe Road wall 21st July
