Superb males of each redstart and whinchat in FAUNA late morning.
No sign of any lapwing activity in the ploughed field while I was there. Talking of which, I ‘challenged’ a chap of a certain vintage in these fields earlier in the week. He was methodically walking along the rows inspecting the ground as he went. He was wearing binoculars and a small, seemingly empty, canvas bag. My instinct is that he may have looking for lapwing eggs (once commonly collected for eating). He said not, just that he was ‘having a look’. He was local old-timer who regaled me with tales of shooting wood pigeons in those fields and new the names of all the now long-gone farmers of the parish. Anyway, if anyone spots anything odd like this, please do politely challenge it (as long as you don’t put yourself in danger, of course), or at the very least report it.
I find this worrying. I imagine it happened in the Flora Field before the crop had started to grow so maybe it will become less of a problem as it is pretty clear that one shouldn’t walk through crops. I also wonder whether he had seen us field walking and thought it was acceptable for him to do something that at least looked similar.