Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Good News for the Lapwing

A fully grown juvenile has been seen hanging out on the reserve so …

Lesser Whitethroat

A lesser whitethroat with fledglings was in the hedge by Long Pads …

Great Spotted Woodpecker Nest in Pony Wood

Spoke to a gentleman who had been visiting for the last week to observe the nest of a Great Spotted Woodpecker.  As we watched a red head poked out of a hole in a tree and started loudly shouting …

Lapwing in Flora Field

We may have lapwing nesting in Flora Field for the first time for many years.

Sightings Board Report

These were recorded on the board between the 13th and the 17th of May …

Male Wheater

Male wheatear in West Field this afternoon (Tuesday 30 April).