Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Volunteer Session Saturday 13th January 2018

Here is Jonathan’s message

Greetings All,

And a very Happy New Year to you and yours.
Two items for your volunteering attention on this occasion.

First, there’ll be a volunteer session in Fairfield Orchard, Fauna and
Flora this Saturday, January 13th, starting at 10.00am and finishing all
rosy cheeked at 1.00pm. Please come along if you possibly can no matter
what the state of you.
Work to be getting on with includes:

* Continuing to cut out bramble and unwanted sapling suckers through the

* Removing the net from the roof of the shed, carefully mind you,  so as
not to spill the sycamore seeds.

* Replacing broken fencing post at Hay Meadow double gates and repairing

* Fixing new fencing posts to secure the open gate between Big Meadow and
Hay Meadow.

* Adding barbed wire strand to weak points along the West Field / Pads
wire fence.

* Trimming the hedge at the southern end of the Pads footpath / Big Meadow.

Second, food and drink lovers will be glad to learn the volunteer buffet
will be held at The Storey on February 22nd, 7- 9pm (please note the
change of date).
The cost is £10 per person.
Please book a place with either Sue Nieduszynska ( or
01524 60480) or Ian Procter ( or 07811 970
595) by Feb 15th as we need to give numbers to The Print Room Cafe. Well
behaved spouses and partners are very welcome. This is a great opportunity
for cake bakers and calendar makers to mix with hedge layers, scythers and
other good people so please join us for a rare evening of relaxation.

And that’s about it for now,

Best wishes,


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1 thought on “Volunteer Session Saturday 13th January 2018”

  1. Here’s what we did
    14 volunteers attended the monthly Saturday morning session on a chilly but fine winter’s morning.
    • A great deal of unwanted self seeding saplings and bramble were cut out throughout the Orchard.
    • We attempted to move the netting from the shed roof but found that, unlike last year, the sedum had grown through and moving the net ripped out the sedum by the root. UNSURE WHAT TO DO other than gather up several bags of leaves / seeds.
    • The broken fence post between the Hay Meadow and the Fauna path double gates was replaced and rewired.
    • A new post was put in for keeping open the Big Meadow / Hay Meadow gate.
    • A new gate post for repairing the gate between the Grammar Scholl Field and the Hay Meadow was taken to site.
    • Around 50 fencing posts were barrowed down to the West Field for fencing repairs. They were positioned around the field.
    • A start was made to strengthening the West Field / Pads footpath fencing with new posts and barbed wire.
    • Further work was done clearing Lucy Brook.

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