Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Belated note of the volunteering session

I seem to have a block about remembering to post Jonathan’s emails advertising our volunteering sessions. Once again here is a post-event ‘advertisment’

Greetings All,

There’ll be a volunteer session at Fairfield Orchard, Fauna and Flora this
Saturday morning, July 8th, commencing at the usual time of 10.00am and
finishing around about 1.00pm.

Mick will be leading this session in Ian’s absence.
The tasks on this occasion are:
* To open up the edges of the water scrapes to improve wildlife access as
recommended by our Natural England adviser.
* To put in further work supporting the Pony Wood saplings.
* Clear bindweed and goose grass enveloping the hedge between the Pads
footpath and Lower Sowerholme / Flora Field.
* Clear around the benches along the Fauna path.
* Cut up and clear the substantial branch that has come down over the
stump circle.

The Ragwort Working Party continues to meet on Wednesday mornings (9.30 at
the shed) and will shortly be turning its attention to scything thistles,
rush and long grass.

Stand by your inboxes for soon to be announced announcements about:
* An early evening scything group.
* Hay making – hopefully later this month although, as always, this is
weather dependent.

And last but not least a very big thank you to all the volunteers who
helped with the Open Garden setting up and dismantling.

Best wishes,


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1 thought on “Belated note of the volunteering session”

  1. And, more to the point, here is what was achieved:
    The monthly Saturday morning session was led by Mick in Ian’s absence with 14 volunteers attending.
    • A fallen branch at the edge of the Stump Circle was cut back and the brash carted into the woodland. The branch junction needs tidying.
    • The Fauna path benches were cleared of encroaching vegetation.
    • More work done clearing around the Pony Wood saplings.
    • A start was made clearing excessive bindweed and goose grass from the Pads footpath hedge.
    • We are trying to increase wildlife access to the scrapes and ponds but the uncertain ‘edge’ of some of them makes it a bit of a problem. We will treat each on its merits and also clear couch grass to reveal some clear water. This was done for Friar’s, Loxam’s and Ash Tree Ponds on this occasion.
    • Keith delivered pots of purple ramping fumitory which need planting out quite soon.
    • Work continued on the summer pruning of the apple trees.
    • A length of wire fence left in the West Field was rolled to make safe and taken to the shed.

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