Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Stoat, starlings and linnets

Last Wednesday (8th February) as the Hedge Working Party past Little Wood we saw a stoat dart across … Read More

February flush count

We delayed a week because of strong winds and I was starting to think we would have to … Read More

Extra flush count

Jon was keen on extending the winter flush counts for a further month – and it was a … Read More


There was a moorhen walking along the hedgerow between Carr House Meadow and the Gun Range this morning. … Read More

Early morning birds

Graham did his latest monitoring walk around last Saturday at the early hour of 7am. He surprised a … Read More


Philip tells me that the moorhen pair are feeding just the one chick

Moorhens nesting and more hares

2 moorhens seen nesting on Alder Pond. Two more hare sightings: Monday 20th May, same spot in Flora … Read More


Walking through the reserve on my way to work this morning I noted: 3 siskin, up to 20 … Read More