Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Aldcliffe Road Triangle News Archive 2022

December 2022

December meeting

A somewhat late reminder (sorry) that our December meeting/Christmas get-together is this Monday 12th December at 7.30pm at 61 Regent Street. As is traditional, the cosiness and cheer will significantly outweigh the business element.

The minutes of our last meeting are nestled in a toasty server farm here.

(Posted 11 December 2022)

November 2022

Sunday session

We will be having a volunteer session this Sunday 13th November starting at 1.30pm. Amongst other general tidying we will be performing the seasonal task of gathering the fallen leaves into a big pile to rot down for future mulch.

(Posted 9 November 2022)

October 2022

An event, a meeting, and some funding success!

Three things to report, and not one of them is a volunteer session, although we do need a bit of help with the first one:

This Sunday 16th October, in association with Lancaster Music Festival, we will be hosting ‘Trad at the Triangle’ from 1pm to 4ish. This will be an afternoon of acoustic traditional music with performances from local groups and an open folk session at the end.

Depending on the weather, the ‘Triangle stage’ will either be one of the Fairfield Association’s small marquee tents sited on the grass between the raised beds and the path, or inside the workshop building with the double doors open and the tarp roof on the pergola for the audience.

Whichever permutation we end up with, we will need help setting up at 12 noon sharp, and taking down at say 4.15pm once the event is over and the musicians have packed away. If you can help at either or both times, please reply to this email so we don’t have to worry about not having enough bodies.

Second up, with thanks to the Lancaster University Wind Turbine Community Benefit Fund, we have funding to replace our bench with a new and hopefully more durable, if somewhat less unique, model. Like many things at the moment, it will take quite a while to arrive, but hopefully we will get it installed early in the new year.

Finally, a proper meeting is long overdue, and we will be rectifying this on Monday 24th October at 7.30pm. The venue is 61 Regent Street.

(Posted 13 October 2022)

September 2022

Sunday session

We will be having a volunteer session this Sunday 18th September starting at 2pm. Garden maintenance activities will be the main focus.

We haven’t heard yet about our funding application for a new bench. Fingers crossed!

(Posted 16 September 2022)

August 2022

Sunday session

There will be a volunteer session this Sunday 21st August at 2pm, for general maintenance and vegetation control.

A funding bid for a new bench has been submitted, and we hope to have an answer in September.

(Posted 17 August 2022)

July 2022

Sunday session

We’ll be having a volunteer session this Sunday 3rd July starting at 1.30pm. Tasks will include tidying the workshop so that it can be used by someone running a short plant identification course (fully booked), and general maintenance of the burgeoning vegetation.

(Posted 2 July 2022)

June 2022

Sunday session

Happy bank holiday weekend!

You may have noticed that our bench sadly reached the end of its life and had to be removed. It was made for us with wood from the felled goat willow, and was lovely while it lasted, but ultimately not hugely durable. We are working on a replacement, which will inevitably be of a more standard design.

In the meantime we will be having a volunteer session this Sunday 5th June at 2pm, focussing on general upkeep of the space.

(Posted 3 June 2022)